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New Beginning

Writer: Cabernet MurrayCabernet Murray

August was a whirlwind of a month. We closed on the land mid-July and have been tapping our resources to get the farm moving forward. We completely redesigned the main gate on Branch, giving cars and trailers lots of room to pull off the road and drive in. Smith Co. Fencing did an awesome job with a rusty pipe and 6-line cattle fence in our "half-moon" entry-way. I mean, it's really pretty and very professionally done. We're planning to have some cattle on the land, and now we're least at that section.

We also ordered our little organic lavender plants. They came early in the month as tiny cuttings in plug trays from Mountain Valley Growers in Squaw Valley. They smell FANTASTIC! I quickly moved them over to some 4" pots with a homemade potting mix, and have been watching them like a hawk to keep them alive through some blazing summer temperatures. So far, many have doubled in size. Now, I just have to get them through the winter as baby plants. Next step is getting the irrigation done in the "lavender block". I can't wait to get them in the ground next Spring. The French Provence is on the left, and Gross Lavendula x Intermedia on the right.

I also want to introduce our little flock of Easter Eggers and Astralorps. They were little fluffy chicks last June and are growing into some lovely ladies. Once we're more settled, preferably with a house on the farm, they'll move out with us. Please meet Tiger Lily on the left and Neut on the right. We have them all on a sustainable, corn and soy free, diet with organic treats like blueberries and romaine lettuce on the hot days. I believe in this pic, they're enjoying the coop mister and staying cool. It's hard to be a chicken on our farm.

Please check back with us next month. Even more additions are in the works. We're finally getting to realize a's a magical life.



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